Luxembourg Estonia 2000

  • Hi!

    Someone have the startat line of Luxembourg. Friendly 26 april 2000 in Luxembourg.


    I found 10 of 11 line up team. Who is the 11 man in the match? Who know?

    Alija Besic
    Claude Reiter
    Roland Schaack
    Jean-Pierre Vanek
    Jeff Strasser
    Rene Peters (Patrick Posing 55')
    Luc Holtz
    Daniel Huss (Gordon Braun 78')
    Manuel Cardoni
    Sascha Schneider (Marcel Christophe 46')

  • Luxemburg - Estland 1- 1 (0- 0)


    26.04.2000 / Luxemburg / Stade Josy Barthel / 1.100 Z. / Ref.: Roelof LUINGE (Niederlande) /
    Aufstellung Luxemburg:

    BESIC Alija(Tor), REITER Claude, SCHAACK Roland, VANEK Jean-Pierre, STRASSER Jeff, PETERS René (54' POSING Patrick), HOLTZ Luc, HUSS Daniel (78' BRAUN Gordon), CARDONI Manuel, SCHNEIDER Sacha, CHRISTOPHE Marcel.

    From this excellent site:

    Cursing at sudanese football line-ups since 2004.

  • Hi.

    I have the line up as:

    Alija Besic
    Claude Reiter
    Roland Schaack
    Jean Vanek
    Jeff Strasser
    Rene Peters (Patrick Posing 55)
    Jeff Saibene
    Luc Holtz
    Daniel Huss (Gordon Braun 78)
    Manuel Cardoni
    Sascha Schneider (Marcel Christophe 46)

    I hope this helps