criteria to let a player belong to the database ?

  • Hi Benjamin !

    Damn, I still cannot create my profile so it's impossible to send you a private mail.
    Well, here's my (provisional) e-mail (I'll give you my real e-address after your reply) :

  • Quote from archivist

    Hi Benjamin !

    Damn, I still cannot create my profile so it's impossible to send you a private mail.
    Well, here's my (provisional) e-mail (I'll give you my real e-address after your reply) :

    you can´t create a profile here? Means, you can´t register or something?
    Please let me know what kind of problems you are experiencing and I´ll check it.

    sorry, I'm just the designer here - no clue about football!

  • I want to create my profile so I click on "Register", then I click on the link considering I'm over 13 and I agree with the terms. In the next page, I fill the "Username" ("archivist"), "E-mail address", "Password" (mine has 8 characters) and "Confirm password (the same as "Password", of course) categories. After that, I click on "Submit", which leads to the same page with the mention "The confirmation code you entered was incorrect" on the top of the form...

  • oops, obviously a really embarrassing mistake by me, as the template didn´t show the confirmation code at all. That COULDN'T be working :o
    Should be okay now, just try it again.
    Thanks a lot for telling us, I'm really wondering how many people had this problem before :o

    sorry, I'm just the designer here - no clue about football!

  • Quote from archivist

    It works :up: :up: :up:

    fine :D
    I'm really sorry about this mistake, wondering why nobody told us before!? :confused:

    sorry, I'm just the designer here - no clue about football!