
  • No, not really. So far I decided to only use the short names for the countries where they are in use (e.g. Brazil, Spain, Portugal, Angola, Mozambique and so on...). I might change that later, but it is rather tedious work, as you probably know.

    Cursing at sudanese football line-ups since 2004.

  • I want know these complete name.How i can know?

    Sorry,my english is very bad!

  • :) Thank you for the information! but I think that complete names are very important for all football fans! How can i help you? I know spanish and portugal complete names.Mozambique and angola I know some of these.if somebody know this information (mozambique and angola complete name),please give this information!

    Congratulation for this page,is fantastic!

  • I want know only these players? Can anibody help me?
    ANGOLA:Vilares,Jonas,Miloy,Nuno,Tony Osodio,Ito,Maquemba,Maninho,Rui Marques,Calito,Didi,Campos (GK),Vidigal,Alvez,Luisinho,Molieno,Nuno(GK),Elisio,Mambaia,Milex,Jaburu,Angelo(GK) and Goliath(GK).

    MOZAMBIQUE:Joao Malo,Ze Aquito,Cachela Buane,Amilcar,Domingues,Jotamo,Pinto Barros,Nelinho,Pascoal,Avelino,Altino,Nasser Amade,Fala-Fala,Ginho,Sataca,Patricio,Leonel(GK),Miro,Quito,Abilio,Gabito,Rodrigo(GK),Victor(GK),Zaide,Zito,Artur,Cantona,Mauricio.

    Thank you for the information!