Matches / exchanges / goals

  • Can anyone elaborate on the meaning of Matches and Exchanges?

    It says, "*Stats means matches, exchanges and goals in World Cup qualification."

    Are matches the number of games started and exchanges the number of games subbed into?

    Thanks for your help.

  • Quote from xait9

    Are matches the number of games started and exchanges the number of games subbed into?

    Exactly :up:

    League tables frantic - member of the crew since 2006

  • However, I noticed that even in some years when World Cup Qualification was not in progress there are statistics available -- what type of competition does a game have to be in order to be counted in the stats?

  • Yes because we added all official matches played by national teams each year... The allusion to the World Cup seems to be a leftover of the beginnings of the website I guess!

    League tables frantic - member of the crew since 2006