Sid Ahmed Benamara was a player for CS Constantine between 1996/1997 and he was champion of Algeria (League champion) in the same season. He comes to CS Constantine from ASM Oran.
So these are the errors that must be corrected :
Club Appearances of Sid Ahmed Benamara
1997 / 98 MC Oran
1996 / 97 CS Constantine (✸ League champion )
1995 / 96 ASM Oran
References :
This is a list of references (URL) that prove that ''Sid Ahmed Benamara'' was a player in ASM Oran, then CS Constantine (+ League champion), then MO Oran :
(In french)
(In arabic)
Photos : Sid Ahmed Benamara with CS Constantine (1996/97)
These photos are for reference only, may contain copyright (check link)